The Importance of Theatre In Trinidad and Tobago.

The Arts of theatre play a vital role in the communities of Trinidad and Tobago. From local advertisements, and productions of popular shows to original plays written and performed by members of the community. Theatre not only provides a unique opportunity for individuals to come together and express themselves creatively, but it also enhances their ability to see the nation from a whole other perspective. Imagine, having different views and ideas and bringing them to life on a thrust stage, isn’t that exciting? Below are listed five reasons why theatre is important in our community of Trinidad and Tobago.

  1. It Provides Entertainment. Whether it’s a gig at your local church, a popular musical production, or a play originally written and performed by the society, there is always a unique and engaging form of entertainment that is accessible to everyone. It allows us to immerse ourselves in the story as it happens live, right before our eyes, with real people experiencing different emotions and displaying unique characteristics. It also gives us the ability to put ourselves into the character’s shoes and almost feel what they feel. It’s like “Weyys, this happened to me already inno” or “nah bai, ion going and lie nah, that hit different (Trini slang).” While the audience and performers are in the same space at the same time, it creates a sense of emotional reaction, which makes the performance more relatable and more entertaining. Yes movies can obtain the same objective for the audience, but it does not reach the climax of which live theatrical performances reach, how is that? It’s simply because live theatrical performances gain a more conscious and emotional connection with the audience which creates an aura of entertainment.
  2. It Fosters Inclusivity. Regardless of age, gender, experience, or ability, the theatre will always be open to everyone. Everyone will be welcome to view or take part in the performance. This allows people who might not have access to traditional theatre programs, to creatively express or involve themselves. There is no discrimination when it comes to theatre, we are accepted as equal, whether we sit in the audience or stand on stage. 
  3. It Builds Community. One of the most important benefits of community theatre is that it brings people together. From the directors, cast and crew, stagehands, audience, etc, everyone is united in a space to take part in something wonderful. This collaboration fosters a sense of connection and helps build relationships between people who wouldn’t have dreamt of meeting, and also improves your oral communication skills as well as your improvisational skills. You learn to interact and work cooperatively and independently with other people. It also creates an environment where you can openly share your views and opinions with the people around you.
  4. It Encourages Creativity. Theater brings out the best in oneself and helps them to explore their artistic talents. Whether it’s performing on stage, writing a play, creating props or even creating a musical for a scene, it provides an outlet for people to dig deep into themselves and tap into their artistic potential. It is a safe space where people challenge themselves to build better skills for creative thinking, channel their thoughts to create new ideas and bring their imagination to life. The more people we have involved with theatre, the more creative thinkers we have in the society, and we will be more innovative at solving problems and building a better Trinidad and Tobago. Your talents will be displayed across a wide range of the community which can build confidence and self-esteem. It helps people to realise what you can do and gives you more recognition and opportunities.
  5. It builds confidence. Performing in front of a crowd can be an intimidating experience. Stage fright is a formidable fear that can hinder effective communication and personal growth. But through theatre, we have the opportunity to confront this fear head-on. We can learn to manage anxiety, control our nerves, and gain confidence in our abilities just by stepping onto the stage. The confidence we gain by performing extends beyond the theatre, empowering us in various aspects of our lives and helping us explore the depths of our personalities and emotions. You learn to embrace your vulnerabilities, tap into your inner strengths and make bolder choices. Many times engaging the world with newfound confidence.

In conclusion, theatre plays a very important and valuable role in Trinidad and Tobago. From providing entertainment, fostering Inclusivity, building community, encouraging creativity, and building confidence. There are so many more reasons why theatre is very important and the great impact it can make on oneself. It inspires so many people to make positive changes in their lives and helps bring out the best version of themselves. They learn to accept the fact that they’re unique and can change the mindset of this nation. So through theatre, let us build a better Trinidad and Tobago.

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